Sangre Dulce


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Este Alabado compartido con la gente de Ucrania y su camino de fe ...

Benir Pecador
Benir con su cruz
Adorar la sangre
del dulce Jesús

A los ocho dias
de su nasimiento
derramo su sangre
en su santo templo

Hincado en el huerto
Asiendo oración
Suda mucha sangre
Nuestro redentor

Cuando lo buscaron
Con gran contento
Derramo su sangre
en el prendimiento

Al aposetillo
con suma pasencia
alli lo prendieron
con gran inclemensia

En los tribunales
Se bio acusado
Por falsos testigo
Que lo an murmurado

Mira Pecador
Como lo an erido
su devino rostro
lo cruel atrebido

Contempla la peña
y el dolor agudo
que tubo al mirarse
su cuerpo desnudo

En la bofetada
que Malcos le dio
Junto con su sangre
Contempla del dolor
*Malchus is servant of Jewish High Priest Caiaphus

Mira eras corientes
de sus pies y manos
lobate con ellas
pues eres Cristiano

Mira esa lansada
la de esta costado
entristese por ella
Pues eres su amado

Adora la soga
Que lleba arrastrando
Junto con su sangre
Que la daramando

Por la calle amarga
Con dimás y gestas
Tres besez callo
Con la cruz acuesta

Adora el ropaja
que lleba bestido
Junto con su sangre
Miralo teñido

Contempla la peña
Que alli padesio
Su affilida madra
Cuando lo incontro

Adios sweet sangre
Remedia a mis malas
Y dame a baber
Su presisoso caliz

Lla muio Jesús
Lla acabo la vada
Hofresele tu alma
Que por ella espiro

Adios dulce sangre
de mi redentor
Adios mi Jesús
Adios mi señor

Sweet Blood



This Alabado shared with the people of Ukraine and their journey of faith ...


Come Sinner
Come with your cross
Adore the blood
of the sweet Jesus

At the eight day
of his birth
spilled his blood
in his holy temple

Sunken in the vegetable garden
Making a prayer
Sweating much blood
Our Redeemer

When they looked for him
with grand delight
Spilled his blood
in his arrest

Taken to a small room
with much patience
there they caught
with grand mercifulness

In the courts
was seen accused
with false testimony
they he was seen murmuring

Look Sinner
How they have wounded
his divine face
the daring cruelty

Behold the sorrow
and the sharp pain
it took to look at
his naked body

In the slaps
that Malchus gave him
Along with his blood
Behold the pain
*Malchus is servant of Jewish High Priest Caiaphus

Look you are of a current time
of your feet and hands
Wash that of them
Well you are Christian

Look at the lance
that of your rib side
Saddened for them
Well you are his love

Adore the rope
That he braggingly carries
Along with his blood
that blood pours out

In the bitter streets
With saying and feats
Three times he fell
With the cross laid upon him

Adore the clothing
that he is wearing
Along with his blood
look at the stains

Contemplate the pain
That he suffered
his afflicted mother
when she encountered him

Goodbye sweet blood
Remedies of my bad deeds
and give me to drink
of your precious chalice

Now Jesus has died
Now his life is complete
I offer you his soul
For she has exhaled

Goodbye sweet blood
of my Redeemer
Goodbye my Jesus
Goodbye my Lord

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